Et Retombe la poussière... (Dust)
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Et Retombe la poussière... (Dust)

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 Petite Blague de technicien

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Marc (storyteller)
Marc (storyteller)

Nombre de messages : 2366
Date d'inscription : 15/01/2006

Feuille de personnage
Joueur: Marc Plamondon
Clan: Humain Surdoué
Humanité / Path: Humanité

Petite Blague de technicien Empty
MessageSujet: Petite Blague de technicien   Petite Blague de technicien Icon_minitimeSam 4 Fév - 10:03

Salut tous,

vous retrouverai cette blague sur

the son of god???????

one of the things i learned as a tech is this Jesus Christ lives in Santamonica CA, and he can't opperate a computer.(THIS IS NOT A JOKE, the customer really changed his name to Jesus Christ)

jc=you guessed it

T- thank you for calling ---- tech support, may i have your dsl telephone number please?

jc- ---/----

T- is this Mr Christ? (keep in mind i'm trying not to laugh my ass off)

jc- yeah, just call me Jesus." well, Jesus go's on to tell me that his dsl had been running slow for the past 3-4 days.

T-alright Jesus,(still trying not to laugh) lets go to" we ran the speed test, and his test was fine, so we checked out a few things on the holy ones pc. turns out he had tried to install more memory into his tower, and in doing so had knocked the other stick that was there loose. I told the son of god to call the geek squad and have a nice day, to wich he actually replied:

jc-I bless you my son." i stayed in wrap fro about ten minutes laughing myself out of my chair
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